cannot do anything about 意味
- <→CAN'T do anything about>
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる
- do do v. (…を)する, 行なう; ふるまう, 行動する; 処理する; 間に合う, 役立つ; 見物する; 翻訳する. 【副詞1】 He has
- anything anything pron., n., adv. 何か. 【動詞+】 Did you have anything to do with the
- about about adj. 今にも…しかけて. 【+to do】 The performance is about to begin.
- cannot do anything
- cannot do anything
- can't do anything about ~についてはどうしょうもない、~の解決手段がない
- not have the power to do anything about ~についてどうすることもできない
- cannot do anything but accept the invitation from
- about to be cut off and unable to do anything about to be cut off and unable to do anything 俎板の鯉 俎の鯉 まないたのこい
- do just about anything for the sake of a laugh 笑いを取るためなら何でもする[やる]
- will do anything to ~するためなら何でもやりかねない[何をしでかすか分からない]
- cannot ask for anything more
- cannot expect to win anything
- cannot hide anything from
- you and i cannot do anything about it . she does what she wants .
君も私ももう何もできない - the days and months of the year which pass by , i cannot do anything about it .
行く年の 月日の流れ 蚊帳の外